Rep. Armando Walle Statement on Initial Draft of State Budget
(Austin, TEXAS) – Today, the initial draft of the Texas state budget was released for fiscal years 2026/2027. Once again, legislators will have the opportunity to allocate billions of surplus dollars by the end of this Legislative Session.
Rep. Armando Walle (HD 140), who currently serves as the chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles VI, VII & VIII and who also sits on the Legislative Budget Board, released the following statement in response:
“It is our job as legislators to be responsible with the taxpayer dollars that Texans entrust to us. The initial draft of House Bill 1 continues important investments I worked hard with my colleagues on last Session, such as funding for flood infrastructure and the Texans Feeding Texans food bank program.
“However, we again have historic amounts of money we can spend, and so many essential services that need investment. First and foremost are our neighborhood schools and educators. But Texas families are also looking to the Legislature for leadership to make child care affordable and accessible, to modernize flood control and drinking water infrastructure, and to make it a little easier to put food on the table.
“I look forward to continuing to work with Chairman Greg Bonnen and all of my colleagues this Legislative Session to craft a state budget that supports Texas families.”
State Rep. Armando Walle serves House District 140 in Harris County. For questions regarding the information in this release, please contact Cara Santucci, Chief of Staff, by email at